Level up
Growth requires
a bold attitude.
The legendary Hakametsä Ice Stadium area gains a new life!
We are making the most comprehensive Sport Campus in the world – a unique city district.
Hakametsä, which is famous for its legendary ice stadium, will be renewed and serve its visitors better than before. It will expand into a unique cluster of exercise, sport and wellness, providing a versatile, world-class setting for elite athletes and amateurs, as well as for the activities of organisations and businesses.
The most fascinating cluster of sport and exercise of the future is awaiting!
What novelties will there be?
In addition to the old ice stadium, which will be renovated into a multipurpose arena, the area will house a modern arena for indoor ball games, business and office premises for auxiliary activities in the field, housing, as well as pleasant outdoor and green areas. For the first time, a development project combines a scene of elite sports and exercise – formed by private and public operators – with education, business activities, wellness and housing. The project leaders are Peab, YH Kodit and the City of Tampere.
Multipurpose arena
Sport and exercise services
Business and operating premises
Outdoor and green areas
Visualisation of the area

Hakametsä Sport Campus
The planning and implementation schedule
In the Hakametsä Sport Campus project, the planning and implementation schedule serves as a road map, informing of what will happen and when and who are in charge. The schedule constantly changes, and it will be updated as the project gains new dimensions. Are you interested in its first steps, or do you look into the future?
A vision for the development of the Hakametsä area is created together with stakeholders in the exercise and sports sector.
A workgroup steering the development of the Hakametsä area begins to work.
The planning of the area, together with stakeholders, progresses, and local detailed plan amendment work is started.
A competition is organised in order to develop a concept for the area and find an implementation partner, and local detailed planning is progressing in the background.
Further planning together with the implementation partners. Local detailed planning progresses and a draft plan is prepared.
The first search for Hakametsä Sport Campus operators began at an event that was held on 1 November 2022. The launch of co-creation sessions, where each participant is an active developer. Material relating to the draft plan will be published in September.
Planning and development of the area is continued.
A targeted start of construction.
Are you puzzled by something?
Do you have any questions or a good idea that you want to share? Your opinion is crucial to us.